Women Out West
(03) In-Depth Navigation & Tour Filtering Project Goals: Give an overall better experience to users and future adventurers while keeping the current design elements. Improve navigation for users look for specific tours/retreats. Improve tour purchase experience. Role: UX Researcher, UI Designer Deliverables: UX Audit, Current Site Map, Domain & Compeitive Analysis, Visual Competitive Analysis, Proposed […]
Holman Auto
(02) Interactive & Unique Project Goals: Create a standout, interactive design to allow users to learn more about Fleet Electrification for their business and if it will meet their company’s needs. Role: UX Researcher, UI Designer Deliverables: UX Audit, Domain & Compeitive Analysis, User Interviews, Visual Competitive Analysis, Wireframes, Mid-Fi Screens, Hi-Fi Screens, Annotations & […]
Chicago Scholars
(01) Community & Belonging Project Goals: Support high-achieving first-gen, low-income students build community, connections, and a social network to find belonging and achieve their dreams from classrooms to boardrooms through connecting with volunteers and the next generation of students. Role: UX Researcher, UI Designer Deliverables: Domain & Compeitive Analysis, User Interviews, Affinity Map, Persona, Visual […]